Thrive Recovery Spa

Reduce Pain, Swelling and Inflammation



Red Light Sauna

Compression Therapy

Cryo Facial

Body Composition Scan

Local Cryotherapy

About Us

Same Amazing Service Just a New Name and Location

Welcome to Thrive Recovery Spa, your serene destination for wellness, previously known as KUR Recovery Spa in Old Saybrook, CT.

In our quest to enhance your experience, Allyson, the founder of KUR, sought a new location that would not only be close to our original spot but also elevate the quality of our services. This pursuit led her to the welcoming doors of Waterford Fitness.

Upon discovering this ideal setting, Allyson connected with Mike Penta, the owner of Waterford Fitness, with a vision to relocate KUR into this more fitting and vibrant environment. Together, they ensured that the essence of KUR – its exceptional services, pricing, and commitment to your wellbeing – remained intact.

While our name has evolved to Thrive Recovery Spa, our core promise to you stays the same. We're dedicated to providing the same outstanding service you've always cherished, now in a refreshed and revitalized location. Join us in our new home, where your journey to wellness continues seamlessly.


(860) 876-5373

132 Cross rd Waterford CT 06385


Monday -Thrusday

10am – 7pm

Friday 10am-5pm

Saturday to Sunday



Individual Services

Whole Body Cryo

Single Session $35

6 pack $189

Local Cryo

Single Session $20

6 pack $90

Red Light Sauna

Infrared Sauna

30 min $29

6 pack $150


Compression Therapy

30 min $29

6 pack $150

Cryo Facials

Single Session $35

6 pack $189

Body Composition Scan

Single Session $20

6 pack $90


You Can Use Any Of Our Services With Our Memberships

Gold Card

All services are per month

8 services


Platinum Card

All services are per month

12 services


Black Card

All services are per month

20 services


Subscribe today Get 50% Off



What is Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC)?

Whole body cryotherapy is a treatment that involves exposing the body to extremely cold air for a short period, usually between two to four minutes. The temperatures can range from -200°F to -250°F.

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How does WBC work?

During a WBC session, you enter a cryotherapy chamber or a cryosauna. The extreme cold stimulates the skin's temperature receptors to activate the nervous system, which releases endorphins and reduces inflammation.

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What are the benefits of WBC?

Reported benefits include pain relief, reduced muscle soreness, improved skin condition, increased metabolism, better sleep, and a boost in mood.

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Is WBC safe?

Generally, WBC is considered safe for most people. However, it's not recommended for individuals with certain health conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or pregnancy.

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What should I wear during a WBC session?

It’s recommended to wear minimal clothing like shorts and a tank top, along with protective gear such as gloves, socks, and earmuffs, which are usually provided by the facility.

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How long does a WBC session last?

A typical session lasts between two to four minutes.

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How often can I do WBC?

This varies by individual and purpose. Some do it once a week, while others may undergo treatment more frequently. It's best to consult with a cryotherapy professional.

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Can WBC help with weight loss?

Some studies suggest that WBC might boost metabolism and help with weight loss, but it should not be relied upon as a sole method for losing weight.

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Are there any side effects of WBC?

Some people might experience temporary numbness, redness, or tingling. Major side effects are rare but can occur.

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How quickly will I see results from WBC?

- Many users report feeling refreshed or having increased energy immediately after a session, but results can vary. Some benefits, like reduced inflammation, may take a series of sessions to become noticeable.

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Red Light Sauna Pod

What is a Cocoon Wellness Red Light Pod?

The Cocoon Wellness Red Light Pod is a type of wellness device that combines red light therapy with a soothing, pod-like environment. It's designed to offer benefits like skin rejuvenation, pain relief, and relaxation.

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How does the Red Light Pod work?

The pod emits specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light. These wavelengths penetrate the skin and can stimulate cellular repair and energy production, offering various health and wellness benefits.

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What are the benefits of using the Red Light Pod?

Benefits may include improved skin health, enhanced muscle recovery, pain reduction, increased circulation, and overall relaxation.

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Is using the Red Light Pod safe?

Red light therapy is generally considered safe. However, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new therapy, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

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How long does a session in the Red Light Pod last?

Sessions typically last between 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the specific treatment goals and the guidelines of the wellness center offering the service.

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How often can I use the Red Light Pod?

The recommended frequency can vary based on individual goals and responses to the therapy. Some people use it several times a week, while others may use it less frequently.

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Can the Red Light Pod help with weight loss?

While red light therapy may support metabolic function and muscle recovery, it should not be solely relied upon for weight loss. A balanced diet and regular exercise are also crucial.

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Are there any side effects of using the Red Light Pod?

Side effects are rare and typically mild but can include temporary redness of the skin.

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Will I feel heat during the session?

The pod provides a warm, comfortable environment, but it does not heat the body to uncomfortable levels. The warmth is part of the relaxing experience.

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Is the Cocoon Wellness Red Light Pod suitable for everyone?

- While suitable for most people, individuals with certain medical conditions or sensitivities to light may need to avoid its use.

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Normatec Compression

What are NormaTec Compression Boots?

NormaTec Compression Boots are a recovery system used primarily by athletes. They use air pressure to provide a massage-like experience, aiming to enhance blood flow, reduce muscle soreness, and speed up recovery.

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How do NormaTec Boots work?

The boots use a patented pulsing action, mimicking the muscle pump of the legs to move fluid and metabolites out of the limbs after intense activity. This can help reduce recovery time and improve muscle function.

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What are the benefits of using NormaTec Boots?

Benefits include reduced muscle soreness and swelling, increased circulation, and faster recovery from workouts. They are also often used for relaxation purposes.

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How long should a session with NormaTec Boots last?

A typical session can last from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on personal preference and recovery needs.

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How often can I use NormaTec Boots?

They can be used daily, especially after intense workouts. Frequency can be adjusted based on personal recovery needs and comfort.

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Are NormaTec Boots safe for everyone to use?

While they are safe for most people, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as deep vein thrombosis or severe varicose veins, should consult a healthcare professional before use.

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Can NormaTec Boots help improve athletic performance?

While they primarily aid in recovery, improved recovery can indirectly contribute to better athletic performance by allowing for more efficient training.

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Can I use NormaTec Boots if I’m not an athlete?

Yes, anyone experiencing muscle fatigue or soreness can use the boots, not just athletes. They can be beneficial for people who stand or sit for long periods.

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Are there different sizes or types of NormaTec Boots?

NormaTec offers different sizes to accommodate different body sizes and shapes. They also offer attachments for other body parts, like the hips and arms.

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What should I wear during a NormaTec session?

- Comfortable clothing is recommended. Avoid wearing anything that could impede the compression, like tight or thick garments.

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Spot Cryotherapy

What is local cryotherapy?

Local cryotherapy is a targeted cold therapy treatment that applies extremely cold temperatures to specific areas of the body, typically using a handheld device or cryo chamber.

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How does local cryotherapy differ from whole body cryotherapy?

While whole body cryotherapy exposes the entire body to cold temperatures, local cryotherapy targets specific areas, making it ideal for treating localized pain, inflammation, or injuries.

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What conditions can local cryotherapy help with?

Local cryotherapy can be beneficial for relieving pain and inflammation associated with injuries, arthritis, tendonitis, muscle strains, and post-surgical recovery. It can also aid in enhancing athletic performance and accelerating recovery.

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Is local cryotherapy painful?

Local cryotherapy is generally well-tolerated and typically does not cause pain. Some individuals may experience temporary discomfort or tingling sensation during treatment, which usually subsides quickly.

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How long does a local cryotherapy session last?

Local cryotherapy sessions typically last between 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the area being treated and the individual's tolerance to cold temperatures.

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How many sessions of local cryotherapy are recommended?

The number of recommended sessions varies depending on the condition being treated and individual goals. Some individuals may experience relief after just one session, while others may benefit from multiple sessions spaced out over time.

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Are there any side effects of local cryotherapy?

Side effects of local cryotherapy are rare but may include temporary redness, numbness, or skin irritation in the treated area. These side effects typically resolve quickly after the treatment.

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Who should not undergo local cryotherapy?

Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as Raynaud's disease, cold hypersensitivity, or circulation disorders, should avoid local cryotherapy. Pregnant women and individuals with open wounds or infections in the treatment area should also refrain from treatment.

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Is local cryotherapy suitable for athletes?

Yes, local cryotherapy is popular among athletes for its ability to reduce muscle soreness, inflammation, and speed up recovery after intense workouts or sports-related injuries.

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How soon can I expect to see results from local cryotherapy?

Many individuals experience immediate relief from pain and inflammation following a local cryotherapy session. However, optimal results may require multiple sessions over time, with benefits often becoming more pronounced with continued treatment.

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Body Comp Scan

What is an InBody scan?

An InBody scan is a non-invasive body composition analysis that provides detailed information about muscle mass, body fat percentage, hydration levels, and other key metrics to assess overall health and fitness.

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How does an InBody scan work?

During an InBody scan, electrodes are used to send a low-level electrical current through the body. The current passes more quickly through lean tissue, such as muscle, and slower through fat tissue, allowing the InBody device to measure body composition accurately.

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What information does an InBody scan provide?

An InBody scan provides information about body fat percentage, muscle mass, visceral fat levels, basal metabolic rate (BMR), segmental lean mass analysis (arms, legs, trunk), and total body water.

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Is an InBody scan safe?

Yes, an InBody scan is safe and non-invasive. It uses low-level electrical currents that are well below the threshold considered harmful to the body.

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How long does an InBody scan take?

An InBody scan typically takes just a few minutes to complete. The actual scanning process lasts around 30 to 60 seconds, and results are available immediately afterward.

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Do I need to prepare for an InBody scan?

To ensure accurate results, it's recommended to avoid eating or drinking anything, exercising vigorously, or taking a shower immediately before the scan. It's also best to empty your bladder before the scan.

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Who can benefit from an InBody scan?

Anyone interested in tracking their body composition, assessing their fitness progress, or optimizing their nutrition and exercise regimen can benefit from an InBody scan. It's particularly useful for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals with specific health or weight loss goals.

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How often should I get an InBody scan?

The frequency of InBody scans depends on individual goals and preferences. Some people choose to get scanned monthly to track progress, while others may opt for quarterly or semi-annual scans to monitor changes over time.

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Are InBody scan results accurate?

Yes, InBody scans are highly accurate and reliable for measuring body composition. However, it's essential to follow the instructions provided before the scan to ensure optimal accuracy.

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How can I interpret my InBody scan results?

After the scan, a trained professional can help interpret your results and provide personalized recommendations based on your goals. InBody provides detailed printouts and online reports that explain each measurement and its significance in relation to your overall health and fitness.

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Cryo Facials

What is a cryo facial?

A cryo facial, also known as cryotherapy facial or cryo glow facial, is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that involves using cold temperatures to rejuvenate the skin, reduce inflammation, and promote overall skin health.

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How does a cryo facial work?

During a cryo facial, a handheld device or cryo wand is used to deliver controlled blasts of cold air or cryogenically cooled air to the face. This helps to constrict blood vessels, tighten pores, and stimulate collagen production, resulting in a brighter, more youthful complexion.

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What are the benefits of a cryo facial?

Cryo facials offer numerous benefits, including improved skin tone and texture, reduced puffiness and inflammation, minimized pore size, increased collagen production, and a refreshed, radiant appearance.

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Is a cryo facial painful?

No, cryo facials are generally painless and well-tolerated. Some individuals may experience a slight tingling or numbing sensation during the treatment, but this typically subsides quickly.

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How long does a cryo facial session last?

Cryo facial sessions typically last between 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the specific protocol used and the individual's skin condition.

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How many cryo facial sessions are recommended for optimal results?

The number of recommended cryo facial sessions varies depending on individual skin concerns and goals. Some individuals may see noticeable improvements after just one session, while a series of treatments spaced out over time may be recommended for more significant and long-lasting results.

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Are there any side effects of cryo facials?

Side effects of cryo facials are minimal and usually temporary. They may include temporary redness, numbness, or mild discomfort immediately following the treatment, but these effects typically resolve within a few minutes to hours.

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Who is a good candidate for a cryo facial?

Cryo facials are suitable for individuals of all skin types and ages who are looking to improve the appearance and health of their skin. They are particularly beneficial for those with concerns such as dullness, uneven skin tone, fine lines, wrinkles, and puffiness.

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Can a cryo facial be combined with other skincare treatments?

Yes, cryo facials can be combined with other skincare treatments, such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or LED light therapy, to enhance their effectiveness and achieve synergistic results.

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How soon can I see results from a cryo facial?

Many individuals experience immediate results, such as tighter, smoother skin and a more youthful glow, after a cryo facial. However, optimal results may become more pronounced with regular treatments over time.

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Located Inside

Waterford Fitness



132 Cross Rd

Waterford Ct 06385


Monday 10am-1:30pm 3:30pm-6:30pm

Tuesday 10am-1:30pm 3:30pm-6:30pm

Wednesday 10am-1:30pm 3:30pm-6:30pm

Thursday 10am-1:30pm 3:30pm-6:30pm

Friday 10am-1:30pm 3:30pm-5:30pm

Saturday 9am-1pm

Sunday 9am-1pm

Phone Number:

(860) 876-5373

132 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT 06385, USA

Office: 132 Cross rd Waterford Ct 06385

Call (860) 876-5373

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